Friday, 23 October 2009 13:31 |
May 4 High School Fly In
On Wednesday the 4th of May VVA Chapter 542 will sponsor a fly in to Both Bishop McDevitt and Harrisburg High School. On board the UH-60 Blackhawk will be the Adjutant General of Pennsylvania as well as Congressional Medal Of Honor Recipient Mike Novosel and several other members of VVA 542. Joining us at the High Schools will be many of the members of our chapter as well as WW2, Korean,, Desert Storm, Iraq and Afghanistan veterans.
Thanks to the producers at Arrowhead Films we will be showing a specially prepared film on Vietnam Vets. Following the school assembly the students will move to class rooms where veterans will be able to answer questions and hold discussions on the Vietnam War and being a Veteran.
VVA 542 will present gift certificates to the winner at each school of an essay on veterans and the Vietnam War, to be judged by the high school history departments.
We welcome all veterans to join us, if you are not a member of VVA 542 band wish to participate please contact John Travers at
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