VVA State Council and POW MIA September Itenerary |
Friday, 23 October 2009 13:55 |
VVA State Council and POW MIA September Itenerary
Friday September 16th 09:30 UH 1 helicopter lands City Island. Towed into position in front of the Hilton at 2nd and Market. Aircraft in place by 10:30.
11:00 AM to !:00 PM Noted book auther Bob Door holds book signing in Strawberry Square at B Dalton Book Store of his newset book "History of Helicopters in Combat. Mr. Door is the author of 29 books.
6:00 PM Dinner at the Hilton honoring unit back from Iraq hosted by VVA 542. . Follwing dinner night on downtown Harrisburg.
Saturday September 17th VVA State council meeting starts at 08:00 AM at Hi;lton.
11:00 AM to 1:00 PM Bob Door signs books by the UH1 aircraft.
5:30 PM to 6:15 PM Pow MIA ceremony by the aircraft. The names of the Mia's from Pennsylvania will be read, as well as a Field Cross Ceremony.
7:00 PM to 8:00PM Presentation in the Hilton by Col Nickish on US efforts to recover MIA's.
Sunday 18 September 12:00 PM VVA 542 hosts a Sunday in downtown for State council members.
1:00PM aircraft towed back to city Island for departure.
Cell is 514 3397 if you have any questions, that week is national POW MIA week.